Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The VPS Scammers

Are you looking to spot those VPS companies that act like scammers?
Do you want to buy a cheap VPS but you are worried about fraudulent ones?
Do you want to select a good, cheap VPS but you are afraid it might stab you on your back?

You are at the right place!

In this blog I am going to expose the VPS companies which have been found to be acting like scammers. You can help me, too! Save the evidence/ticket and contact me. You could take a screenshot of the whole webpage (e.g. the whole history of your support ticket) through this add-on in Firefox.

Let's make the Internet more aware of the swindlers!


This one is ranked no.1 among the scammers (so far, of course). They con people to make a buck and they want to take their hands on every dime you have got. They are still deceiving people.

There are a few posts on their facebook page which show they have cheated other people as well.

My VPS got offline and they have abandoned the ticket since a long time ago. I have had no response from them since August 7, 2015.


Chicagovps acquired BlueVM this year. I had a VPS in BlueVM which stopped working right after the acquisition. The migration process caused the VPS to become offline for a few days and this was accepted. However, the problem was that they almost never wanted to get it back online. They tried every opportunity to make up every kind of excuse not to give any VPS to me as one of the BlueVM customers. The support ticket got a lame answer every week or every two weeks and they used every moment to their best advantage not to give me my VPS back.

This is the correspondence in a ticket on BlueVM.

As you can see I started the ticket on July 10. I should mention that my VPS became offline earlier in late June and I waited for it for about two weeks to no avail. In the middle, they gave me a new IP which did not last even one month. Since then, they have been making up excuses and asking for already-given information as a dodge not to give the VPS back.
This is the correspondence on ChicagoVPS.

Now my VPS has been offline for about 4 months and the renewal is due on November 26 !!!!!!!!!

They are still giving offers on their website! Only a dollar for their OpenVZ starter plans! But you should stay away at any cost.


Another dangerous provider. They are based in Germany and offer VPSs in Germany, too. However, since the manager and the staff are always gaming on their own servers, they have no time at all to solve your problems in your tickets. They are so busy that they do not have a technician to solve the most basic problems. They are probably gaming hard right now together; smashing the buttons on their gamepads even harder to the point of hardware failure.

They offer cheap VPSs but you should stay away from them. They do not answer the support tickets regularly and it became clear that they do not have a technician to do the corresponding jobs for them. Well, they just want to sell their services and do not want anybody to ask for anything else!

Thank God, I only bought a monthly VPS from them. From the beginning, the tun/tap module was not available and while they claimed that it should be right there in the panel, it was not right there in the panel. The ticket remained unsolved until the end of its lifespan (i.e. for 30 days) and I could not route even one bit of data through their server. A complete waste of hard-earned money.
This is the correspondence with them.

As you can see, I bought the VPS and created the ticket on August 25 and the last answer was on October 4! When my VPS had already ended.
But wait, just look at the body of the last reply closer:

"der zuständige Kollege, der dieses Ticket bearbeitet hat, ist bereits seit einigen Wochen nicht mehr zuständig. Das Ticket ist deshalb leider "verschwunden". Sollte das Problem dieses Tickets noch aktuell sein, wende dich bitte erneut an unseren Support.

Entschuldigung vielmals!"

If your German is not as good as mine for any reasons, you could use Google translator to do the job:

"The competent colleague who has worked on this ticket, for a number of weeks is no longer responsible. The ticket is therefore unfortunately "disappeared". If the problem this ticket still be up to date, please consult our support again.

Excuse me very much

The manager did not even know that I had purchased a one-month VPS and while the VPS was not accessible after September 25, he politely updated me on the issue, well, uselessly!

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